Where can acne occur?

1. Acne on forehead
Acne on the forehead is common because it is the part that sweats a lot. And it is an area that has pores and is a source of oil production on the face, so it is more oily than other areas on the face. Some people have bangs or lobes of hair which may cause various impurities in the hair or dust, smoke, and pollution to come into contact with the forehead area as well.
2. Acne on the chin
Acne on the chin is a problem for most people. This is because the chin is where the skin produces a lot of oil. In addition, the chin area is a point where our hands often come in contact without realizing it, such as touching the chin, scratching, or rubbing against the face mask. This causes dirt to accumulate and eventually cause acne to appear on the chin.
3. Acne on the neck
Acne on the neck is often caused by hair care products. including sweat Dirt that clings to the hair When the hair comes in contact with the neck area, it can cause acne on the neck. Or in some people it can be caused by allergies to dust and air pollution as well. Because our neck is outside the shade. Therefore causing acne to appear easily.
4. Acne on cheeks
Cheek acne is an area where many people suffer from severe acne. Because the cheek is often the point of contact with many things, including hair, face masks, pillowcases, mobile phones. Therefore, people with sensitive skin or frequent acne on the cheeks should regularly change or wash face towels and pillowcases every week to reduce risk factors for acne on the cheeks.
5. Acne on the nose
Acne on the nose, or what many people call “blackheads”, is hair that clings to the sebaceous glands and various dirt, causing white spots resembling pimples to appear on the tip of the nose.
6. Mouth acne
Acne on the mouth or around the lips can occur just like acne anywhere else. But mouth acne is most often caused by food stains or poor grooming. Mouth acne can also cause by an allergy to toothpaste. Products used for oral care, lipstick, or wearing masks can also use. Or even women who are close to menstruating. or during menstruation You may find that you often have acne in your mouth due to hormones during this period.
7. Acne on the back
Acne on the back is a popular problem for many people. The back is one part that is oily and difficult to care for and clean. It’s the part that sweats easily. Being in the shade and often getting damp is a point that easily causes acne on the back. It can also be caused by hormones and genetics.
Types of acne
1. Blackheads
Blackheads (Blackheads) are a type of open https://ufabet999.app acne. Where the head of the acne can be seen. Blackheads are caused by excess oil and dead cells. That clog the pores and cause an oxidation reaction, causing the pimple to turn black.
2. Elephant Head Acne
Nodule is a large, raised lump with no head. When pressed, it feels very painful. Acne is caused by inflammation from bacteria that grows on the skin, which is more difficult to treat than other types of acne.
3. Inflamed acne
Inflammatory acne is acne that is clogged with bacteria. Cutibacterium acnes, also known as Propionibacterium acnes (P.acnes) grows in acne bumps. P.acnes attracts white blood cells into the acne bumps. cause inflammation It also has enzymes that help break down oil (Sebum) in acne bumps into fatty acids that have the effect of causing acne inflammation as well.
4. Whiteheads
Whiteheads are small, closed, white bumps caused by a blockage of oil and dead skin cells. If left untreated, it may become inflamed.
5. Acne rashes
Many people understand that acne (Acne aestivalis) is a type of acne. Actually, acne is a type of rash that occurs from sunlight or an allergic reaction. It is characterized by a large number of small rashes on the face. Some people may also experience itching. Acne rashes usually do not contain pus. When you touch it, it feels rough like grains of sand.
6. Acne, pustules
Pustules are acne that look like large, swollen, red bumps containing pus. Pustules are caused by an infection in the hair follicle, which causes pustules to form.