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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Nude lipstick: why every woman must have!

Lipstick is the first type of cosmetic that women often think of and use widely. It is consider to be a pair with women of every era. In addition to helping to moisturize the lips and protect the skin of the lips, it also helps

Reasons why children don’t sleep

Children having difficulty sleeping is a common problem. Some children may not want to go to sleep or wake up frequently in the middle of the night. Parents may feel tired and stressed trying to get their children to sleep soundly throughout the night. There are

Groups of fruits that pregnant women should not eat!

Fruits that pregnant women should avoid Most of the fruits directly affect the pregnant woman’s body, causing the pregnant woman to feel uncomfortable, bloated, and the digestive system not working properly, which may cause the pregnant woman to not get enough rest, eat less, and

Introverts: don’t like to socialize

The term Introvert is use to describe a person who has personality traits or behaviors that tend to be interested in. Or like to do activities alone, such as reading books, making art, and writing. In addition, they also have characteristics that tend to like

Characteristics of “Extrovert”

Extrovert is a personality term for people who like to socialize, like talking to other people, like doing activities that allow them to express their opinions among people, have high cheerfulness and self-confidence. If they are in a place with other people, they will feel

Things to know when using disposable diapers

Selecting the right diapers  for each child’s size is important, especially in ready-made forms that come in many sizes. Even though they are made to be gentle on children’s skin, if they are not selected correctly, they may cause wounds on the thighs or base of the

Menopause symptoms are gone if you eat and live like this.

A collection of sciences to cope with menopause symptoms Menopause is the term for women who enter the menstrual period. It is not only women who experience a lack of sex hormones, but men also experience this condition. However, in men, it is gradual, but

Vertigo Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Vertigo is an abnormality of the inner ear that controls balance. The patient loses balance and may also experience dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and tinnitus . Vertigo can be caused by many things, such as dislodged inner ear stones, inner ear inflammation, and other factors such

The Truth About Sweat: Does Sweat Really Not Remove Toxins?

“The more you sweat, the better. The more you sweat, the better it is. And The more you sweat, the more you exercise. Sweating a lot helps to flush toxins out of your body.” Many people are probably familiar with these sentences and believe that

Sunlight is free and good for your health.

How is sunlight good for our health? Many people are afraid of the sun and do not go out to do outdoor activities because Thailand is extremely hot. But in fact, sunlight has many health benefits. Another shocking thing for the country of sunshine is